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Selected publications from the group

Barnby, J.M., Bell, V., Mehta, M.A., Moutoussis, M. (2020) Reduction in social learning and policy uncertainty about intentional social threat underlies paranoia: evidence from modelling a modified serial dictator game. PsyArXiv. [LINK]

Oakley, D. A., Walsh, E., Lillelokken, A. M., Halligan, P. W., Mehta, M. A., & Deeley, Q. (2020). United Kingdom norms for the harvard group scale of hypnotic susceptibility, Form A. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 68(1), 80-104. [LINK]

Barnby, J. M., Bell, V., Deeley, Q., & Mehta, M. A. (2019). Dopamine manipulations modulate paranoid social inferences in healthy people. bioRxiv. DOI:


Barnby, J. M., Deeley, Q., Robinson, O. J., Raihani, N., Bell, V., & Mehta, M. (2019). Paranoia, sensitisation and social inference: findings from two large-scale, multi-round behavioural experiments. Royal Society Open Science, 7 (3) [LINK]

Deeley, Q. (2019). The Pythia at Delphi, in Driediger-Murphy, L. G., & Eidinow, E. (Eds.). (2019). Ancient Divination and Experience. Oxford University Press, USA. [LINK]

Deeley, Q. (2019). ‘Fear of the Mystery’: Music, Faith and the Brain. In Music and Faith: Conversations in a Post-Secular Age (pp. 101-127). Boydell & Brewer. [LINK]

Deeley, Q. (2019). Witchcraft and Psychosis: Perspectives from Psychopathology and Cultural Neuroscience. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, 14(1), 86-113. [LINK]

Barnby, J. M., Bell, V., Rains, L. S., Mehta, M. A., & Deeley, Q. (2019). Beliefs are multidimensional and vary in stability over time-psychometric properties of the Beliefs and Values Inventory (BVI). PeerJ, 7, e6819. [LINK]

Deeley, Q. (2018). Revelatory experiences: meanings, motives, and causes. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 1-8. [LINK]

Barnby, J. M., & Mehta, M. A. (2018). Psilocybin and Mental Health-Don't Lose Control. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9, 293. [LINK]

Walsh, E., Oakley, D. A., Halligan, P. W., Mehta, M. A., & Deeley, Q. (2017). Brain mechanisms for loss of awareness of thought and movement. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(5), 793–801. [LINK]

Deeley, Q. (2016a). Hypnosis as a model of functional neurologic disorders. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 139, 95–103. [LINK]


Deeley, Q. (2016b). Transforming experience through the meditation and ritual of Chod: Insights from hypnosis research. In M. Lifshitz & A. Raz (Eds.), Hypnosis and meditation: Toward an integrative science of conscious planes (pp. 39–54). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [LINK]

Walsh, E., Guilmette, D. N., Longo, M. R., Moore, J. W., Oakley, D. A., Halligan, P. W., ... & Deeley, Q. (2015). Are you suggesting that’s my hand? The relation between hypnotic suggestibility and the rubber hand illusion. Perception, 44(6), 709-723. [LINK]


Walsh, E., Oakley, D. A., Halligan, P. W., Mehta, M. A., & Deeley, Q. (2015). The functional anatomy and connectivity of thought insertion and alien control of movement. Cortex, 64, 380–393. [LINK]


Walsh, E., Mehta, M. A., Oakley, D. A., Guilmette, D. N., Gabay, A., Halligan, P. W., & Deeley, Q. (2014). Using suggestion to model different types of automatic writing. Consciousness and Cognition, 26, 24–36. [LINK]

Deeley, Q., Oakley, D. A., Walsh, E., Bell, V., Mehta, M. A., & Halligan, P. W. (2014). Modelling psychiatric and cultural possession phenomena with suggestion and fMRI. Cortex, 53, 107–119. [LINK]

Deeley, Q., Walsh, E., Oakley, D. A., Bell, V., Koppel, C., Mehta, M. A., ... Maurits, N. M. (2013). Using hypnotic suggestion to model loss of control and awareness of movements: An exploratory fMRI study. PloS one, 8(10), e78324. [LINK]

Deeley, Q., Oakley, D. A., Toone, B., Giampietro, V., Brammer, M. J., Williams, S. C., & Halligan, P. W. (2012). Modulating the default mode network using hypnosis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 60(2), 206-228. [LINK]

Bell, V., Oakley, D. A., Halligan, P. W., & Deeley, Q. (2011). Dissociation in hysteria and hypnosis: evidence from cognitive neuroscience. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 82(3), 332-339. [LINK]

Deeley, Q., & Rowland, C. (2010). Paul in Ecstasy: The Neurobiology of the Apostles’s Life and Thought. By Colleen Shantz. The Journal of Theological Studies, 62 (1), 316–322. [LINK]

Deeley, Q. (2009). Cognitive style, spirituality, and religious understanding: The case of autism. Journal of Religion, Disability & Health, 13(1), 77-82. [LINK]

Oakley, D. A., Deeley, Q., & Halligan, P. W. (2007). Hypnotic depth and response to suggestion under standardized conditions and during fMRI scanning. Intl. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 55(1), 32-58. [LINK]

Deeley, Q. (2005). The cognitive anthropology of belief. In P. Halligan & M. Aylward (Eds.), The power of belief(pp. 33–54). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [LINK]

Deeley, P. Q. (2005). Psychoanalysis as a hybrid of religion and science. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 12(4), 335-342. [LINK]

Deeley, P. Q. (2004). The religious brain: Turning ideas into convictions. Anthropology & Medicine, 11(3), 245–267. [LINK]

Deeley, P. Q. (2003). Social, cognitive, and neural constraints on subjectivity and agency: Implications for dissociative identity disorder. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 10(2), 161–167. [LINK]

Suggested reading from other authors

Deacon, T. (1997) The Symbolic Species: The Co-Evolution of Language and the Human Brain. Edinburgh (Penguin).


Dunbar, R. Knight, C; Power, C, Ed. (1999). The Evolution of Culture. Edinburgh (Edinburgh University Press).


Duque, J. F. D., Turner, R., Lewis, E. D., & Egan, G. (2009). Neuroanthropology: a humanistic science for the study of the culture–brain nexus. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsp024.


Durham, W. (1991). Coevolution: Genes, Culture, and Human Diversity. Stanford (Stanford University Press).

Geertz, A. W. (2016). “The meaningful brain”. In Mental Culture: Classical Social Theory and the Cognitive Science of Religion. Edited by D. Xygalatas and WW McCorkle Jr. Durham (Acumen).


Hallowell, A. I. (1968). “Self, society, and culture in phylogenetic perspective”. In Culture: Man’s Adaptive Dimension, edited by MF Ashley Montagu. London, Oxford, New York (Oxford University Press)


Harré, R. (2002). Cognitive science: A philosophical introduction. London: Sage.

Johnson, Mark H., and Michelle De Haan (2015). Developmental cognitive neuroscience: An introduction. London (John Wiley & Sons.)

Knight, C. (1999). Sex and Language as Pretend Play. in: R. Dunbar, C.Knight, C. Power (Eds)  The Evolution of Culture. Edinburgh (Edinburgh University Press).


Kroeber, A.L. “Anthropology”, Scientific American, CLXXXIII, 87-94

Lende, D. H., & Downey, G. (2012). The encultured brain: an introduction to neuroanthropology. MIT press.


Lewis, I. M. (2003). Ecstatic religion: A study of shamanism and spirit possession. London: Routledge.


Littlewood, R. (2006). Pathology and identity: The work of mother earth in Trinidad (Vol. 90). Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Luhrmann, T. M. (2012). When God talks back: Understanding the American evangelical relationship with God. Vintage.

McCauley, R. (2013). “Explanatory pluralism and the cognitive science of religion”. In D. Xygalatas and WW McCorkle Jr, Mental Culture: Classical Social Theory and the Cognitive Science of Religion. Durham (Routledge).


Mithen, S. (1996) The Prehistory of the Mind. London (Thames and Hudson)

Ortner, SB (1984) Theory in anthropology since the sixties. Comparative Studies in Society and History 26: 126 –25


Oyama, S. (1985). The ontogeny of information: Developmental systems and evolution. North Carolina Press (Duke University Press).

Roepstorff, A., & Frith, C. (2012). Neuroanthropology or simply anthropology? Going experimental as method, as object of study, and as research aesthetic. Anthropological Theory, 12(1), 101-111.


Rouget, G. (1985). Music and trance: A theory of the relations between music and possession. Chicago: University of

Chicago Press.


Samuel, G. (1990). Mind, body and culture: Anthropology and the biological interface. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.


Samuel, G. (2010). Possession and self-possession: Towards an integrated mind-body perspective. In B. E. Schmidt &

L. Huskinson (Eds.), Spirit possession and trance: New interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 35–520). London:

Continuum. M. Schrempf (Ed.), Anthropological and historical perspectives (pp. 213–224).

Schjødt, U., Stødkilde-Jørgensen, H., Geertz, A. W., & Roepstorff, A. (2008). Rewarding prayers. Neuroscience letters, 443(3), 165-168.


Seligman, R., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2008). Dissociative experience and cultural neuroscience: Narrative, metaphor and

mechanism. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 32(1), 31–64.

Shaw, J. (2011). Octavia, daughter of god: The story of a female messiah and her followers. New Haven: Yale University


Sperber, D. (1996). Explaining Culture. Oxford (Blackwell)


Sperber, D.; Hirschfeld, L (2001) “Culture, Cognition, and Evolution”. In Wilson, RA and Keil, F.C. The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences pp cxi – cxxxii. Cambridge (The MIT Press). 


Strauss, C.; Quinn, N. (1997) A Cognitive Theory of Cultural Meaning. Cambridge  (Cambridge University Press)


Taves, A. (2016). Revelatory events: Three case studies of the emergence of new spiritual paths. Princeton, NJ: Princetonm, University Press.

Turner, V. (1967). The Forest of Symbols.  Ithaca and London (Cornell University Press)


Vitebsky, P. (2001). Shamanism. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.


Wallace, A. F. (1956). Section of anthropology: Mazeway resynthesis: A biocultural theory of religious inspiration.

Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 18(7, Series II), 626–638.


Whitehouse, H. (2000). Arguments and Icons: Divergent Modes of Religiosity. Oxford  (Oxford University Press)

Xygalatas, D. (2014). The Burning Saints: Cognition and Culture in the Fire-walking Rituals of the Anastenaria. London (Routledge).

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